Stepping up the fight against obstetric fistula in Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea and Chad

GFMER*, through the Fistula Group programme, invited Prof. Pierre-Marie Tebeu in July 2023 to finalise the signing of an agreement with CIESPAC**.

The main aim of this 5-year renewable agreement is to set up surgical workshops in the various CIESPAC countries, in which operators from different countries, identified as future trainers, will participate.

This initiative is part of the Brazzaville Declaration of 23 May 2023, which aims to “eliminate obstetric fistulas in the CEMAC zone by 2030”, and which entrusted Prof. Tebeu with the task of structuring obstetric fistula management in the countries in which he is a referent.

The agreement begins with the identification of a focal point in each country to set up surgical workshops.

* Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research.

**Specialised training institution created in 1981 for the six countries of the Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC): Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea and Chad.