Title: Causes of Obstetric genito-urinary fistula: An Experience from the University Hospital, Yaoundé, Cameroon
Author(s): Pierre Marie Tebeu, M.P.H., Kemfang Ngowa Jean Dupont, Noa Ndoua Claude, Michel Roger Ekono, Suzy Dorine Maninzou and Charles-Henry Rochat
Publication date: 18.08.2015
Link: https://www.journalcra.com/article/causes-obstetric-genito-urinary-fistula-experience-university-hospital-yaound%C3%A9-cameroon
Category : Research

Many studies have reported the risk factors for obstetric fistula, but little is known on the causes particularly in Cameroon. Knowledge on the causes of obstetric fistula could help in preventing its occurrence.


The most frequent causes of obstetric fistulas among patients treated at our institution were ischemic necrosis due to obstructed labor and direct tear complicating cesarean delivery that are all preventable.