In April 2023, laparoscopy* became a reality at Tanguiéta Hospital. Since then, operations have been carried out continuously, using all the necessary equipment. No breakages have been reported.
*This is an operating technique that allows surgery to be performed with a closed abdomen, i.e. without large incisions. An optic is introduced through the navel. C02 is blown into the abdominal cavity to create a space (pneumoperitoneum) allowing panoramic vision. The instruments are introduced into the abdomen through small 5 mm holes. In 2022, during various meetings with the doctors at Hôpital Saint Jean de Dieu in Tanguiéta, it was decided to help them develop a laparoscopy and hysteroscopy programme, as Dr Gayito, Dr Aholou and Dr Azakapa, a general surgeon, a gynaecologist and a paediatric surgeon respectively, all have experience of laparoscopy. Laparoscopy requires CO2, which has until now been a limiting factor. This gas is now produced in Cotonou, solving supply problems.