Title: Perception and attitude of obstetric fistula patients about their condition: a report from the Regional Hospital Maroua, Cameroon
Author(s): Tebeu, P. M., Rochat, C.-H., Kasia, J. M., & Delvaux, T.
Publication date: 13.12.2010
Link: https://doi.org/10.4081/uij.2010.e2
Category : Research

Obstetric fistula results in a continuous leakage of urine or feces through the vagina. The social consequences of obstetric fistula are severe, with affected women often ostracized from the community, divorced, abandoned and remaining childless. The general objective of this study was to analyze the perception and attitude of obstetric fistula patients treated at the Regional Hospital of Maroua, Cameroon.


Obstetric fistula patients have a very negative perception about their condition. It is strongly recommended to improve the accessibility to maternal health program in order to prevent and manage the obstetric fistula in Far North Cameroon.

Urogynaecologia, 24(2/3), e2.